Democrat... Republican... uhh... Republican...?

Now I'm not a politcal freak like many of my close friends... and arguing over politics or how stupid or not Bush is, are not my favorite ways of spending a nice Sunday brunch by the beach. However, I do still have a fair handle of politics in this country... or at least I'd like to think so. But maybe ignorance really can be bliss, and I could be way off!
Anywhow, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think I finally understand the difference between Democrats and Republicans, well, the difference between the two parties anyways. And though I've been a Democrat all my life and have always despised Republicans for some reason, I think that after finally understanding the difference between the two parties, that I'm a probably a little more Republican if anything. Wow, I can't believe I just said that, I'm a Republican! Shiite!!!
Well before you start forming all sorts of opinions about me in your tiny little heads... hear a brotha out! Now I'm not saying I agree with Republicans all the time, in fact I probably agree/disagree equally with both parties. And don't worry, I'm not all of a sudden a big fan of Bush... I do think that he's not an idiot, but still, I'm far from being a fan of his.
I guess I've had this change of heart simply because I've realized that we don't live in an ideal world, and that only so much can be done, and that the choices we make don't benefit everyone. In fact, the well-being of each of us is ultimately in our own hands. And I guess that's why I've changed... because if you cut all the BS and get down to it, the only real difference between the two parties is that the Republicans leave more things up to you, while the Democrats tend to TRY to make things better for everyone.
For example, remember that ad-campaign that Kerry was running, saying that all Americans should have health care that is equally as good as what the members of Congress have? Well, he did say that. And man, if you don't think too much about it, that would be freakin' cool if it could happen. I mean, I already have good health care, but it would be nice if everyone could also have good healthcare, especially people that can't afford it. But if you think about it realistically, something Democrats aren't very good at, we have a limited budget for health care, and a very limited infastructure, so in actuality, the only way in which we could ALL have the SAME health care coverage, would be if it sucked EQUALLY BADLY for all of us... how freakin' lame would that be! In fact, the only way you can have good health care for yourself and your family is by going out and doing what it takes to get it, which is bascially how Republicans view it. No one is going to hand it to you, and if they do, like they do in Canada, then its gonna suck for everyone!
This is obviously an extreme example... but dumb and idealistic policies like this that Democrats keep advocating really have started to tick me off. Afterall, my life should be in my own hands... all I ask is for a level playing field!
Time to go change my registration from 'D' to 'R'!
Every industrialized country in the world has national health insurance except for us and, suprise, everyone else recieves better health care for less money then us. Economies of scale really do work and if a single buyer can demand 50% price cuts because they control access to 300 million buyers then the drug companies end up going along with it as long as they are assured a modest profit. They really have no other choice.
That said Canada's system is likely the worst of the single payer systems since it literally does not have any competition and private health insurance is illegal. A better systems are found in the UK and in the Netherlands where the government provides a decent minimal amount of coverage but individuals may purchase expanded coverage from private insurance companies if they desire better service or more complete coverage.
Lastly, most of the old line American multinationals are being killed by the ever increasing cost of health coverage for retires and current employes while foreign companies have a competitive advantage due to their national government assuming those costs via national health insurance programs. It would be much better to spread those costs out over the entire population of 300 million then to stick just GM (or GE or ExxonMobile) with 100% of the costs. This is a competitiveness issue as well as one of fairness towards the disadvantaged.
i wouldn't make the distinction between the parties a matter of leaving it up to the individual or not. both parties, at their historical roots, are based on individualism and idealism. in my understanding, one is less open to change and the other is more open to change. one is more past-looking, while the other is more future-looking. when i studied the parties in more depth, i actually found myself to be more sympathetic to conservativism (republican) than i thought....but that still does not make me a conservative. i am a liberal (democrat), yet i don't like the bleeding heart liberal thing. you don't have to have a bleeding heart to be a liberal. one of my main concerns is the genuine acceptance of difference, in terms of culture, race, religion, and sexuality. the liberals or democrats have ALWAYS spoken to this concern far better than the republicans, in my view.
Check out this web site.
Anonymous #1 - Thanks for all the facts, I have a good idea of who you are.
Vesper - I agree with you... I guess that makes me a liberal repbulican, if there is such a thing.
Anonymous #2 - Nice article!
Don't hate me cuz I think I might be a bit Republican!!! Seems like everyone has dis-owned me as of late... and have made sure to let me know how they're 'dissappointed' in me, including my close friends and sis... I'm liberal Republican... and that's what I'm sticking to! :-P
It doesn't mean I'm a bush-lover! It doesn't mean I'm for drilling in Alaska. It doesn't mean I support the war in Iraq. It just means that I agree slightly more with Republican idealogy, than with Deomcratic ideaology.
Don't hate me! :)
aman, i think it's great that you're sticking to your guns. i'm also probably closest to a liberal republican. it's really amazing how "liberal" thinkers are so judgmental about others' political beliefs and quite closed-minded. in the U.S., we are supposed to value freedom of speech/expression, particularly those leaning toward the left. people should be open to views other than their own and not judge a person by a label. judge on values, beliefs and actions. but not a mere label which, in any case, is not one-size-fits-all. i respect others' beliefs as long as they have well thought out rationales for them. it's okay to believe differently; just do it with some logic behind it.
anonymous - nicely said...! just wish you had a name! :)
As a moderate to liberal Republican, the thing I find most frustrating with ideological Dems is their tendency to want to over-simplify problems, basically to sell their candidates to the lowest common denomimator. Case it point: Minimum wage increases. Sounds great! But then everyone in the company needs a raise, too. Costs of production rise. Cost of products rise. Goods and services are farther out of reach of the poorest Americans than they were before.
But raising the min. wage gets votes, so let's do it anyway.
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