My New Addiction: Grey's Anatomy

Ok, I'm not one to watch these prime-time tv shows... if anything, I spend my nights catching up on Seinfeld re-runs, watching movies, or brushing up on the news or better yet, following sports. But now, after a very long time, I actually see myself looking forward to every Thursday night so I can watch new episodes of this show. This eagerness for a prime-time show hasn't been a part of my life for sometime now... but I guess its a good thing... something finally worth watching on TV, as those reality shows have really been freakin' ticking me off and away from prime-time tv for the last few years... I guess this is more than just a good show... for me, its actually an opportunity to rejoice that prime-time TV hasn't been ruined forever.
So, as I have missed the two previous seasons, right now I'm quite busy catching up on them via dvds... funny, cause I never thought I'd have such a marathon dvd-watching stage in life... its never happened before. But a marathon is exactly what it will take... I have 6 days before the next new show which airs Thursday night at 9... and about 6 and a half dvds still to catch up on... that's about 24 hours of dvd watching! It's almost like preparing for a freakin' midterm actually... but I have to admit that this time, studying is actually quite fun, and even addictive. I'm actually kinda liking this marathon dvd thing... I'll miss it once its gone.
If you're unfamiliar with the show, well, then you really should check it out, its actually quite entertaining... I find it motivational, educational, inspiring, comical, intriguing... yadda yadda... quite a good show in fact. I could care less for some parts of it... but I guess everything's there for a reason, and that the guys at ABC really do have an idea of what they are doing this time. It's not as dry as ER can often be, nor is it a farce which is the best way I can describe Scrubs. As a dear friend said, it's a good mix of both those shows... but with an extra kick.
Nevertheless, I'm hooked... I'm definatley a fan for life... the only other currently playing series I'm this crazy about has to be Entourage on HBO... I can't wait to start that marathon! I'll be catching up on that next!
So how goes the 20 hours of Grey's anatomy?
Only 3.5 discs to go!!! :-)
I am addicted to Grey's...thursday nights..the phone is off, the computer is off and it's just me and Grey's.
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