Catch up on Aman

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Is it Always Better to Buy than to Rent? Think Again...

So, I'm at that tender age, when I must decide, do I want to continue renting an apartment... or invest some money in a house? The funny thing is that, I always thought that buying was the better option... always in any realistic scenario... but the more I research, the more I find out that is simply not always the case.

Check out this great article from the NY times. It does a very similar analysis to what my friend Mahim did... wtg Mahim! It takes into account the money you spend on a mortgage after accounting for things like tax-breaks and compares it to the money you would spend on renting, after accouting for the money you would save by renting, which is assumed to earn a decent interest... and in today's bloated-housing market, renting wins almost every time.

In fact, if you ever consider 'trading-up' by buying instead of renting, if nothing else, remember the rule of 20... If the price for a house is more than 20 times the rent you would pay to live in it for a year... then its probabaly not a good bet.

Of course, owning a house is a privelage with perks that are priceless, so it will always be better to buy if you want a family-home you plan to spend the rest of your life in. But if you plan to sell within 5 years, then buying is a very bad option in comparison to renting, especially in areas like NY and California.

Just read the article, even if you disagree... you may learn something.


Blogger Admin said...

i'm totally into renting. that way there's nothing holding you down.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Aman said...

yeah, thats a definate advantage... especially for a girl on the GO like u ;)

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you're forgetting the fact that if you own, you may actually sell later - most of a time with profit due to the fact that the real estate market value keeps going up (in NYC especially...)

10:47 AM  

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