Get Over It!
I can't believe what the world has come to... and how stubborn we've become.
Firstly, what the f$#@ was the Pope thinking... He's giving an address in a Univerity, so he must have known that it was open to the public... but then why quote such an insensitive passage as he did? It was wrong on many levels... and simply foolish. Firstly, not only are you the Pope of the Catholic church, but in many ways, you're one of the most powerful people in the world. And that power is not a right, but a privelage, and comes with a lot of responsibility. One with that much influence really should be careful of what they say/recite... I mean, what the heck were you thinking! Secondly, doing it at a time as tumultuous as NOW and on a topic as sensitive as ISLAM... what the f#@%! What the F#@$!
But he did apologize... maybe he really did simply make a mistake and had incorrectly judged the reaction to his speech. So, we should just forgive and forget.. right? But NOooo... The freakin' Islam extremists simply won't forget... and simply will not accept any apology! Again, what the f$#@! Yet to them, this is another opportunity to state their cause that the entire world is against Islam! Take a freakin' chill pill Mr. Ayatollah (sp?). Again, what the f$#@!
I understand that the Pope recited a very insensitive passage to a community that see's itself as being under fire... and so, yes this did deserve an apology. But what's now the point of protesting, closing down cities and shops, and creating rage over a statement made by a party that has already apologized globally for it!
F$#@ing get over it!!!!
I head a commentator on NPR describe it as "German intellectual meets soundbite culture." I think he's so sheltered to the reality of the world that he really didn't understand the firestorm his words would create. (At least I hope that's the case.)
BTW- I stumbled on your blog the other day and enjoyed it. I'll keep reading. Thanks for the comment.
Karen-Yes, the Pope did mess up... in retrospect, I'm sure he has realized he could have made his point another way. His address's main concern was actually aimed at the West not considering religious affiliations in its dealings with the rest of the World... so I don't think he is harboring any evil towards Islam.
Anonymous-Good point... but what came first, the chicken or the egg...? Did these nonsensical allegations about Islam create the ruckus... or are Islami exremists really just bad at letting things go...?
I still stand behind what I originally said... society is just too stubborn and refuses to let things go. The Pope, though he apologized, has not formally done so... and definitly should. And Islamic leaders need to calm their disciples down and perpetuate the Pope's apologies amongst their people, instead of creating more anger and hate and making ridiculous statements that Islam is now at war with Roman Catholics and all 'Cross-worshipers.'
Where and when does it end...?
Gkn-Lets just hope you're not right, which is usually the case ;-)
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