Catch up on Aman

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Ultimate Super Hero

Superman Returns
If you had to pick one superhero to save your day... who would you pick? Sure, you may have gotten charmeded by Spiderman and his boy-ish qualities that make it easy to empathize with him. You may also idolize Batman given he's just a normal person who turned into a superhero with nothing else except his own will. You may even consider one of the various X-Men as they just seem cool. But who'd you really pick when it came down to savin' your ass!!!? That's right... you'd pick Superman!

He is the ultimate superhero... he's as fast as the speed of light, stronger than you could ever imagine, impenetrable, can fly, and comes equipped with x-ray vision, laser vision and super cool-breath. Hmm, did I miss anything...?

This is definitely a movie you want to go see at the theaters... I did! Twice! The second time in IMAX 3D and oh was it worth it! It is a very well thought-out movie as everything seems to continue from where it left-off back in the days of those 80s Superman flicks. It has a real-villain with a catastrophically devastating plan... a gripping love story, an awesome soundtrack that I can't wait to buy in SACD, a great cast all-around, and enough suspense and action to make the 2.5 hours just fly by, no pun intended. It even adds a little twist towards the end that should lead to a sequel. And you know I'll be there... first day, first show, for sure!

Go watch it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, superman is the coolest -- and hottest -- superhero. spidy is a bit too creepy for me.

so i coincidentally happened to see it in 3D too. loved the movie and the action, particularly the 3D parts. but kate bosworth was struggling to act and i don't think she and brandon routh had any chemistry. the love story was flat.

overall, it was a fun movie. i'd give it a 4.5 because of the acting.

by the way, could i suggest scott marsden (who was in superman) as the crush of the week?? you do have some female readers, you know... ;-)

2:58 PM  
Blogger Aman said...

Wow... a male crush of the week...! Hmm, well, I would never pick one... but since this is a suggestion... sure, why not! But the female crush will still be there... :-)

3:12 PM  
Blogger Aman said...

Nice... well, when did it become illegal for people with low IQs to like a movie and then talk about it ;)

12:00 AM  

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