Catch up on Aman

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Doesn't it make you wonder...?

It seems like nowadays... not even a few weeks go by before you hear of another terrorist attack taking place somewhere around our world. These attacks constantly remind us of the forever-changed political landscape nowadays in which no one anywhere is safe and free of terrorism... No matter if you live in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kashmir, or even London or New York City.

I can repeat the news, and repeat the numbers... but then again, the details sometimes seem to lose importance in matters of loss. At the end of the day... someone's mother, or daughter, or son, or father, or maybe even an entire family have been wiped out because of no fault of their own.

Is this just a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time..., or is this much deeper than that?

The sad thing is that I don't see acts of terrorism like these ever stopping. As of late, terrorism has mainly consisted of Islamic extremists... but I can remember that this was not always the case... so you really cannot solely pin terrorism on Islam.

I guess the only thing you really can pin terrorism on is on fanatics of any kind... be they based on religion like Al-Queda, based on racism like the KKK, or based on land-disputes like Israel or Kashmir.

The underlying question for me in all of this is how could anyone succumb to such cowardice that they are forced to commit acts such as these. How much of a fanatic do you really have to be? How hurt, upset and angry do you have to be to carry out such tasks? And most importantly, how do you ever come to think that committing such acts is the only way in which you will ever seek your vengence?

I had to write this post because things always hurt more when they hit home. I'm sure you will do your part in keeping up with the news... here's an interesting article by a friend on the same topic.

My heart goes out to all the victims in the Mumbai and Kashmir attacks in India earlier today.

Peace out...


Blogger Sudhir said...

Good one, Aman. It's good you are reminding people that not all terrorists are Islamic Fundamentalists. The present generation does not know of any other terrorists than groups like Al-Qaeda and similar others. Lessons of the history, like you said, tell us that terrorism is not limited to one faith or one race.

Keep the posts coming!

12:14 PM  

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