Catch up on Aman

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Q. Aman, why can't your blog be more useful...?

Well! The nerve!!! Talk about direct-criticism!

No, really, that is a good question. I mean, there are a bunch of blogs already out there full of people's feelings... and that, can often be dry... NO? So, therefore I have thus far tried my best to make this blog void of most of my philosophical feelings, and have approached it as a sort of an entertainment portal. However... I think a good friend made a wise comment in that it wouldn't hurt if my blog could also be a bit more useful... like for example... provide driving directions...

Now, though it would be great to take over Mapquest and Google Maps... I don't think I have that much time! However, keeping this comment in mind, I will try and add postings that can serve as more than just pure entertainment... and actually teach you something!

But that may prove to be quite the daunting task... as it will require me to learn! So, lets just see how long this lasts... I just hope I know what I'm getting myself into. My first attempt will be in Friday's post!

Thanks 'friend' for your 'useful' advice! In fact, I think that I will take this advice one step further and deem every Friday's post as a sort of infosession on useful topics. I'll call it 'Tailor-Made Infosession Fridays' and I urge frequent visitors of my blog to suggest topics that they would like to learn about on here...

So, here is your chance to ask me questions that you're too lazy to look up and investgate for yourself... All you have to do now, is wait for Friday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Seriously, the nerve of this chick! Did she really suggest you make your page more useful? She must be one of those boring fashion victims who can't even manage her own IPOD :P

11:03 AM  
Blogger Aman said...

Actually, it was a chick... so good guess... however she's far from a fashion victim like you stated... and she's actually quite cute and trendy in her dress. Any idiot that makes the mistake of calling her a fashion victim should be rightly punished ;)

3:11 PM  

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