Catch up on Aman

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Finals Entry Part 2: My Finals Frustrations

Ok, so now that I've given the Heat a pat on the back... it's time to get to business.
Shaq is the biggest traitor and the most insecure guy for his size... He needs to get over getting boot out of LA, and needs to stop taking shots at the Laker organization. Every comment he made in the finals was either related to 1)Wade being the BEST player in the league (which is an obvious shot at Kobe, who is hands down the best) and 2)how much he loves playing with Miami because they have no drama (which is fine but his tone suggests he had no part at all to play in the drama with the Lakers).
Shaq, if you're reading this... here are my 2 cents... You are a fool, a traitor, big-headed, insecure, and speak like you have down-syndrome! I'm so glad you aren't a part of the Lakers any more... good riddens, chubby!
Ok, secondly, Wade is a great player, but heck, with the type of players in the Heat, he's always under single-coverage or Zone. One can do a lot more offensively in that situation. Kobe, on the other hand, doesn't have a star-studded team, and hence teams can double, triple, even quadruple team him... making it much harder for him to score and putting a much heavier burden on his shoulders! So you can't compare Wade to Kobe just by Wade's recent accomplishments... Yes, Wade is a great player and he will get better, and being a finals MVP is no joke, but you have to be kidding me when you think that he's better than Kobe, unless you want me to think you a fool, like Shaq!
A link for other Kobe fans.


Blogger Aman said...

I think Shaq had an affect when he was part of LA, but not for Miami... not as much anyways. Zo and Payton really played well for them, and remember, they were playing Dallas, and NOT the Pistons or the Spurs... a LOT different.

6:07 PM  

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