Am I going to lose my JOB!!!????
Now I know, an all-around superstar like me would be the one of the last people you'd expect to get fired from work... but it seems that I already have a slightly higher chance of getting fired than the average earthling!
Yes, I am now offically part of the world of internet bloggers, which is reportedly 5 million strong, and reportedly, our group has a slightly higher chance of getting fired from work because of our passion to blog, according to a recent NPR report. In fact, a dozen or so of us have already lost our jobs because we mentioned some of the frustrations with our jobs and employers on our blogs, and that is a bit scary. I mean, we are losing our jobs just for expressing our thoughts using a tool that was meant for just that purpose...? Give us a break, let us BLOG! Let us vent!
But don't you worry my loyal compadres... I know that I have become an integral part of your daily internet routine in the 10 days or so that I have been blogging, and I value you all as much as you value 'catching up with aman.' You will be glad to know that it will take more than just a threat of losing my job to keep me from filling your ever-growing appetite for what's on my little mind! Fight the power!
Luckily, I'm such a square that the craziest thing they could possibly find on here about me wouldn't me any worse than what they already know...
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