Top 10 things you didn't know about your cell phone
Now, many of you may just think of me as a typical Indian boy who's worried about his own self-interests and no one elses... Well, here is my chance to prove you wrong yet once again...
Here is a list of what I deem to be the top ten things you can do with your celly that you probabaly didn't know about, and hence help you be more effective:
10) Want to get off a call but can't come up with an excuse..? This service will let you introduces noises you specify into your calls so that you can get off the phone without seeming rude! Just don't use it too often... (
9) Does your friend keep calling you and nagging you about his EX..? Well, screen his voicemail before you pick up, similar to regular answering machines... and avoid all those topics you don't want to discuss.(
8) Want to prove to everyone that you can read without actually ever learning how!? Get this service from and you can digitally receive books on your phone that you can listen to, yes listen to, on your phone at your own leisure.(
7) Running out of pick-up lines at the bar...? Use one of these phone based dating services to exchange texts/pics/digits of available girls... the best part is, only she will know how desparate you really are... and its ok... cuz she would be quite the loser too... you guys would be perfect for eachother!(,,
6) So you bought an awesome cell phone... but you had no money left over to upgrade your beat-up wallet... so what, ditch it! Now, you can pay using your cell phone... and avoid having to carry your used and abused piece of crap.(,,
5) "Where the f*$% is my cell phone!!?" Well, stop fretting and get this cool gadget from Loc8tor. It tracks your cell phone, keys, etc, and will point you to their exact location as long as you're within 600 feet!(
4) Tired of answering the same missed calls from people you need to stay in touch with, but really don't want to...? Then use this service from Boo Interactive and it will automatically text message them with a personalized greeting... so you can get them off your back... if even just for a little while.(
3) Don't need one of those fancy shmancy PDAs but you still don't want to be forced to enter all your contacts into your phone everytime you change it... or better yet, just want to keep track of your contacts in a safe place? Then use this tool to back up your addy book and never lose a digit again!(
2) Keep forgetting to pick up toilet paper on the way home..? Then you need to utilize this free reminder service that texts you exactly what you wanted to remember when you need to remember it! (
1) Did you know that 35% of cell phones users can't receive good signal at home... Well, if you have that problem, then this cool gadget is exactly what you need! Now that's one less excuse girls can use when they're trying to avoid answering your phone calls! (
That ends my list of the Top Ten things you didn't know about your cell phone. Hope you can find at least one or two that would be useful to you... I can already guess which one of you will use which service! ha! Cheers!
About no. 5:... what if you misplace that locator device too?
About no. 2: ... I thought you were gonna say that the cel phone can whipe your ass as well if you forget to pick up toiletpaper.
Ah the modern world.
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